The New Economic Order Planning Program is an evidence-based capital accumulation, capital distribution, and endowment creation planning program that was developed from findings of the 53-year Economics of Life Research Project and its component Doctors Economic Research Project to mitigate post-Great Recession savings losses and endowment losses. The New Economic Order Planning Program provides personalized economic education, earnings management, savings management, and endowment creation planning programs to doctors, business owners and executives, and other highly productive and affluent individuals. Specially trained New Economic Order Planning Program Financial/Endowment Consultants implement “Ideal” budgeting, catastrophic loss protection, earnings management, savings management, and life income planning recommendations that are provided in Action Plans that are a component of personalized, Capital Accumulation, Capital Distribution, and Endowment Creation Plans. These personalized plans are provided to doctor members of the Doctors Economic Research Association, and to non-doctor members of the New Economic Order Planning Association as a planning membership benefit.
Personalized plans have been created for “Starters” (aspiring individuals beginning their economic education and capital accumulation planning with a commitment to save 10% of their paychecks), “Savers” (productive individuals aged 74, and under, who have $40,000, or more, of personal and IRA savings allocated to bank CD’s or to risk of principal stock market investments), “Productive Individuals” (individuals who have $30,000, or more of surplus annual earnings and/or $250,000 of equity assets they control, and have less than $100,000 of annual household earned income), “Highly Productive Individuals” (individuals who have $30,000, or more of surplus annual earnings and/or $250,000 of equity assets they control, who also have $100,000 of annual household earned income) and “Affluent Individuals” (individuals who have accumulated $1,000,000, or more, of surplus savings that is not needed to finance their lifestyle costs through their life expectancies). A Retirement Plan Maximization Assessment is also provided to individuals participating in risk of principal 401 (k) Plans.
Starters, Savers, Productive Individuals, Highly Productive Individuals, and Affluent Individuals utilize special-design, economic education programs, guaranteed-outcome catastrophic loss protection and guaranteed life income retirement programs, services, and financial instruments to achieve their human and economic potentials.
Special-design bank depository and loan programs accelerate the progress of New Economic Order Planning Program participants toward their goals of financial independence and personal significance.
New Economic Order Planning Program participants obtain access to planning that quantifies and monetizes evidence-based planning models and concepts in their personal circumstances. The New Economic Order Planning Program increases spendable retirement distributions by $1 to $10 million, provides 6% to 12% guaranteed life income on personal and IRA savings, increases participants’ life expectancies by 7-8 years as a result of reduced economic stress, and exponentially multiplies endowment gifts to family members and/or to 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable and educational institutions 500% to 1500%, over 5 generations.