New Economic Order Planning Program Career Opportunity

Financial Services Career Opportunity: The New Economic Order Planning Program will recruit and train 8500 highly motivated individuals to six-figure income careers as Financial/Endowment Counselors. New Economic Order Planning Program Financial/Endowment Counselors implement budgeting, catastrophic loss protection, earnings management, savings management, and life income planning recommendations provided in personalized, “Ideal” capital accumulation, capital distribution, and endowment creation plans that are provided as a planning membership benefit for doctor members of the Doctors Economic Research Association, and for non-doctor members of the New Economic Order Planning Association.

Planning memberships have been created for “Starters” (aspiring individuals beginning their economic education and capital accumulation planning with a commitment to save 10% of their paychecks), “Savers” (productive individuals aged 74, and under, who have $40,000, or more, of personal and IRA savings allocated to bank CD’s or to risk of principal stock market investments), “Productive Individuals” (individuals who have $30,000, or more of surplus annual earnings and/or $250,000 of equity assets they control, and have less than $100,000 of annual household earned income), “Highly Productive Individuals” (individuals who have $30,000, or more of surplus annual earnings and/or $250,000 of equity assets they control, and also have $100,000 of annual household earned income) and “Affluent Individuals” (individuals who have accumulated $1,000,000, or more, of surplus savings that is not needed to finance their lifestyle costs through their life expectancies). 

The central career goal of each New Economic Order Planning Program Financial/Endowment Counselor is to develop 10 Highly Productive Individuals (doctors and non-doctors) as planning clients, each year, for five years, and to, ideally, establish fifty Guaranteed Outcome Defined Benefit Pension Plans, fifty Leveraged Tax-free Life Income Plans, and fifty 7702 B Plans.

In addition to their central career objective of acquiring fifty, or more, earnings management planning clients over a five-year period, New Economic Order Planning Program Financial/Endowment Counselors also aspire to establish five Permanent Endowment Programs for 501 (c) 3 organizations during their careers. Permanent Endowment Programs are funded with $1,000,000, or more, one-time gifts from Affluent Individual clients who have accumulated surplus savings exceeding the amount they need to finance their lifestyle costs through their life expectancies.

Guaranteed Outcome Defined Benefit Pension Plans and 7702 B Plans are projected to receive average annual contributions of $100,000 for 10 years. Leveraged Tax-free Life Income Plans are projected to receive average annual contributions of $50,000 for 5 years. At the end of 5 years of dedicated effort, Counselors can elect to add additional clients in future years or simply continue to provide service to their existing 50 clients to enjoy a satisfying and financially rewarding career.

New Economic Order Planning Program Financial/Endowment Counselors also generate earnings by assisting additional transactional clients who choose to acquire Leveraged Tax-free Life Income Plans and other special-design New Economic Order Planning Program components such as the Successful Child Endowment Program and the Permanent Endowment Program without benefit of the personalized, “Ideal” capital accumulation, capital distribution, and endowment creation plans.

Marketing Unit Leader Opportunity: The New Economic Order Planning Program will also recruit and train 85 experienced financial services industry professionals to seven-figure annual income careers building a New Economic Order Planning Program Marketing Unit of 100 Financial/Endowment Counselors. Additional information regarding the New Economic Order Planning Program career opportunities can be obtained by contacting Jerry L. Gruber, CLU, CHFC, CWS, Director of Marketing and Sales for ECS Planning/ New Economic Order Planning Program. Email: Phone: 720-218-0373.